PN-The Other Side of the Story

Permanent Nudity’s Docs PN-The Other Side of the Story PN-The Other Side of the Story

-Since the Nude World Order was established during the internet age, there were (obviously) pictures of nude and partially nude people in public uploaded ono the web.


-There were also people posting about how great the new system was, and people posting complaints about it.


-The Textile Forum became the most popular complaining site.


-The “Why do they have to be public” sub-forum had a lot of complaints about PN guys and gals “flaunting themselves” in front of the complainer’s Significant Others/dates/crushes/romantic targets, some of whom were now “lost” forever.


-Some complained that their SO had now registered and was letting everyone see their…


-And some complained that their SO had now been forced long term or short term. into nudity/toplessness/bottomlessness by court sentence/parental edict/school punishment/school body comfort week program.  (Worse yet, some complained that their SO now liked it.)


-One poster complained “I’m a college student.  I had a good, and I thought solid relationship, with my girlfriend Jessica.  We were both textiles.  Her close friend, Katie, was sentenced to 2 months naked by the school disciplinary board.


So, Jessica and I were walking, hand in hand, when Katie comes over to us.  Katie was a week into her sentence and had overcome her shyness.  She called out ‘Jessica.  Chad.’  So, we stopped and turned to look at her, as is polite conversational etiquette.  She asked Jessica ‘Have you seen Miranda?’  Jessica thought Miranda was in the music building.  Since that was the way we were going, Katie turned and walked in front of us to the music building, while we kept going to our dining room.  To avoid accidents, I kept my eyes in front of me, which is the natural way of walking anyway.  After a block, Katie turned and went to the left.


As soon as she’s out of sight, Jessica squeezed my hand, not in a romantic way, and said ‘WHAT do you mean, Looking at my friend NAKED right in front of me!’  I tried to explain that I looked at her as I would a clothed person, but she broke up with me on the spot, making a public scene.


You know, as I type this, I’m glad to be rid of her, but still it’s JUST SO UNFAIR!”


-The “Textile Rights” sub-forum was full of complaints about people being pressured, mainly by their employers to register.  The federal laws in U. S. and the laws in all 50 states (and Puerto Rico) were constantly updated as new laws and court decisions were posted.  Some laymen seemed to be studying their situation with the diligence expected of law students preparing for a bar exam.


-The “Dare to be a textile” sub-forum was similar, but dealt with the social pressure people’s colleagues, work customers and SOs were putting on them to be PN.


-Commenters were always agreeing with the Original Poster and urging them to “Stay Strong in the face of adversity.” Or to “Stay strong in the face and … [various other body parts] of adversity.”


(There’s one thread, now deleted by the OP, but still on internet archives, by someone who claimed to be a “Sex professional”, who complained that her clients were always urging her to register.  She told them that seeing her naked was part of what they were paying for.  Eventually she bemoaned “I thought it was just part of a sex game for them, then eventually realized they were serious.”


-The sub-forum “Textile at Heart” had a lot of complaints by involuntarily nude/partially nude people


-“When I saw that the judge’s robes stopped before the curve of her bosom, almost a really long shirt collar, I knew I was in trouble.  At school, I’d noticed nude teachers were more trigger happy about nude punishments.  My friends with nude parents seemed to get nude punishments more often.  (Especially if they had two parents, one textile, the other PN or at least partially nude, the less clothed parent usually was more trigger happy.)


So, long story short, in addition to the fine I got 24 weeks bottomless.  For pulling the fire alarm because I wanted to leave the office a little early. (The judge blamed me for a 60-year-old heart attack victim not having firefighters available to provide oxygen. As if I was supposed to know that was going to happen, when I obviously don’t even know where my building’s security cameras are.)”


-There’s an internet version of an urban legend that a criminal, who’d been caught for the first time, dealt with the stress by telling off the judge.  The sentence was six years for the crime, the first five months PN for the contempt of court.  Then in another court case expert witnesses successfully challenged the science behind the same crime lab tests.  So, their attorney had gotten them out of prison, but the contempt of court survived appeal due to being recorded on court security camera and the defendant was now free and still naked.  According to the legend, they had started to complain on the forum, but were just wise enough not to post the story since they were actually guilty of the original crime and didn’t want the tide of commenters to turn against them.


-Another complainant said “I’m still living with my parents while I’m working and saving up the money for my own apartment.  (First month’s rent, last month’s rent, security deposit, decent furniture.)


My parent’s washing machine broke.  I took my clothes to the laundry-mat while my dad tried to fix it (he can’t fix things as well as he thinks he can.  I should admire him for trying, but that’s a different story.)


So, as I was leaving, I ran into my mom taking her and dad’s laundry in.  She aid ‘You didn’t have to spend your money.  I’m just going to have all you kids naked starting tomorrow.’  I said I could pay for laundry, like I was planning to do when I moved out.  She said that would still leave my little sister’s and brother’s clothes dirty.  I said I’d pay for their laundry too.  She said, ‘I can’t ask you to do that.’  I said I was happy to do it.  She said she she’d feel like she was pressuring me into that.  So, I said I’d look up old fashioned hand washing on the internet, and she said ’We don’t do that.  We’re modern.’


Then I had the most humiliating 16 days of my adult life!”


The OP then laid out a detailed, very long-term revenge fantasy, about what would happen in 30+ years.  Some literal minded person then posted that, unless the law changes in Idaho, parents are allowed to take clothes away from children living with them at ANY age, but children whose parents have to move in with them for financial reasons DO NOT have the same power over them, so the fantasy was moot.



(If you find any other interesting posts, please feel free to add them here/start your own thread.)

Discussion (1)

  1. F. Smith says:

    This is a very interesting topic, and since lockdown happened around the world might even come true.

    It has been noted in many places that in the last few months fashion has seen a sharp drop in profits, global pollution has dropped and quite a few people have admitted that they stay naked when the weather permits. Given these things are actually happening in the world today I can see this being the start of the lead up to a new world order where nudity is now legal, and of course if that ever does happen then there will certainly be a backlash against it.

    Not least there will be those whos beliefs will say that nudity is a sin or shameful. We all know they are wrong, but seeing them rant and rave in a public forum on social media might do more for the changes than any amount of pro-nudity statements.

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